JIS 22kg Eisenbahn Stadtbahn

$800.00 $780.00

  • Norm: AISI, ASTM, BS, GB, JIS
  • Grad: Q235/55Q
  • Rail Höhe: 93.66Mm
  • Untere Breite: 93.66Mm
  • Stegbreite: 10.72Mm
  • Kopfbreite: 50.8Mm
  • Länge: 8M/10 m
  • Herkunftsort: Hebei |, China (Festland)
  • Markenname: Hangang |
  • Modellnummer: 22 Kg
  • Art: Stadtbahn
  • Anwendung: Industrieschiene
  • Gewicht: 22.3 kg/m
  • Sekundär oder nicht: Nicht-sekundär
  • Schraubenlochdurchmesser: 14Mm
  • Beschreibung
  • Abgestimmte Verbindungselemente
  • Lieferfrist
  • Anfrage

JIS 22kg Eisenbahn-Stadtbahn wird für Mine verwendet, um Erz zu transportieren, Wir haben immer große Lagerbestände, das Material hat Q235 und 55Q, Länge hat 6m, 8m und 10m.

Drawing of JIS 22kg railroad light rail

Drawing of JIS 22kg railroad light rail

Material wie unten:

Q235 material of JIS 22kg railroad light rail

55Q material of JIS 22kg railroad light rail

JIS 22kg railroad light rail refers to a specific type of light rail track used in railway systems. Der Begriff “JIS” stands for Japanese Industrial Standards, which are specifications set by the Japanese government to ensure the quality and consistency of industrial products. The 22kg designation indicates the weight of the rail per meter, and it is a common standard used in various railway applications.

Aufbau und Abmessungen:
JIS 22kg railroad light rail is typically made from high-quality steel and is designed to provide a stable and durable foundation for railway tracks. The rail profile is specially designed to distribute the weight of the train evenly, ensuring smooth and safe operation. The standard dimensions of JIS 22kg railroad light rail are carefully defined to meet the requirements of railway construction and maintenance.

JIS 22kg railroad light rail is commonly used in light-duty and industrial railway systems, wie z.B. Bergbaubahnen, Gleisanschlüsse für Industrieanlagen, und temporäre Baubahnen. It is particularly well-suited for applications where lighter loads and lower speeds are involved. The rail’s design and weight make it suitable for accommodating smaller locomotives and rolling stock.

Qualität und Compliance:
As part of the Japanese Industrial Standards, JIS 22kg railroad light rail is manufactured to meet specific quality and performance criteria. This includes ensuring the rail’s mechanical properties, Maßtoleranzen, and surface quality meet the established standards. Compliance with these standards is essential to guarantee the safety, Zuverlässigkeit, and longevity of railway infrastructure.

Installation und Wartung:
Während der Installation, JIS 22kg railroad light rail is laid on a prepared track bed and secured using fastening systems. Proper alignment and fastening are crucial to maintaining the integrity and stability of the railway track. Zusätzlich, regular inspection and maintenance of the rail, einschließlich der Behebung von Verschleiß, are essential to ensure the ongoing safety and performance of the railway system.

JIS 22kg railroad light rail offers several advantages, einschließlich seines relativ geringen Gewichts, Dies erleichtert die Handhabung und Installation im Vergleich zu schwereren Schienentypen. Es ist auch kostengünstig für Anwendungen, bei denen schwere Frachtlasten nicht im Vordergrund stehen. Zusätzlich, the standardized dimensions and quality control provided by JIS contribute to consistent and reliable performance.

Zusammenfassend, JIS 22kg railroad light rail is a specific type of light rail track designed and manufactured according to the Japanese Industrial Standards. It is commonly used in light-duty and industrial railway applications, offering advantages such as ease of handling, Wirtschaftlichkeit, and compliance with rigorous quality standards. Its use contributes to the safe and efficient operation of railway systems in various settings.

Profilabschnitt der 22 kg schweren chinesischen Standard-Stadtbahn

Beschreibung Spezifikation
Fischbolzen 22x135, 24x135, 24x145
Hochfeste Fischschraube 22×135, 24×135, 24×145
Isolierte Schraube 22×160, 24×160, 24×170
Schraube Typ T M24x110
Flache Waschmaschine 6×25×50
Federscheibe 20×8, 24×8, 26×8
Doppelte Federwaschanlage 26×8
Schraubenspitze M22x185, M24x195
Vierkantkopf-Schraubenspitze 22x145, 22x155, 22x165
Sechskantschraubenspitze 22x145, 22x155, 22x165, 22x185, 22x195
Hund Spike 16×165
Messschürze 10#, 13#, 14#, 20#
Antiseptische Messschürze 10#
Bodenplatte aus Stahl / Bodenplatte
Gummi-Ankerplatte P43, P50, P60
Elastischer Schienenclip Ein, B-Typ
SKL schwerwiegender Typ
Antiseptischer elastischer Schienenclip B-Typ
Nylon-Schürzenblock V-Typ, 0-4#, 2-6#
Isolierte Spurstange ¢32, ¢36
Spurstange ¢32, ¢36
Fischteller 43Kg, 50Kg, 60Kg, 75Kg
BS60, BS75R, BS80A, BS90A
Isolierte Fischplatte (43, 50, 60, 75)
UIC60, UIC54

Lieferzeit: 10 Tage

Lieferhafen: Tianjin Hafen

Paket: Verpackung im Behälter verlieren

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