Rel beralur Ri59N

$900.00 $800.00

Standar: BS, EN 14811:2006
Derajat: U75V/900V
Heigth Rel: 180Mm
Lebar Bawah: 180Mm
Ketebalan Web: 13Mm
Lebar Kepala: 113Mm
Panjangnya: 12-25m
Tempat Asal: Mongolia Dalam, Cina (Daratan)
Nama Merek: Baogang
Nomor Model: 59Rp 2.000, Ri59-R13, Rel beralur Ri59N
Jenis: Rel Berat
Aplikasi: Kota Rel Kereta Api
Berat: 58.20 kg/m
Lebar kepala (C): 113Mm
Lebar kepala (C1): 55.83Mm
Lebar alur (C2): 42.35Mm
Penggunaan: Jalur kereta api ringan tanah kota
Sertifikat: 3.1 MTC/3.2 oleh Lloyd's regiester
Bahan: U75V/900V
  • Deskripsi
  • Rel bawah datar standar internasional yang dapat diekspor
  • Pengencang rel terkait
  • Penyelidikan

Ri59N Grooved rail belong to Standard: EN 14811:2006, Ini digunakan untuk jalur kereta api City Ground Light, bagian atas sama seperti tanah, Setelah kereta melewatinya, Orang-orang bisa berjalan ke atasnya.

Drawing of Ri59N Grooved rail

Drawing of Ri59N Grooved rail

Specification of Ri59N Grooved rail

Material of Ri59N Grooved rail

Rel beralur Ri59N

Ri59N grooved rail is a type of steel rail with a special groove or channel along its length. The groove is designed to accommodate the flange of a wheel in applications such as tramways and light rail systems.

Manufactured to high standards, Ri59N rail is typically made from high-quality steel that undergoes strict manufacturing processes to ensure its strength, Daya tahan, dan kinerja. Proper installation using rail fastening systems, seperti klip, Bantalan, dan baut, is critical to secure the rail to the track bed for smooth and safe tramway operation.

Inspeksi rutin diperlukan untuk mendeteksi tanda-tanda keausan, Deformasi, atau ketidaksejajaran, and timely maintenance and repair are crucial to ensuring the rail’s long-term performance and safety.

Ri59N grooved rail offers excellent dimensional accuracy, kelurusan, dan keseragaman, contributing to smooth wheel movement and reducing noise and vibration during tramway operations. Konstruksinya yang kokoh memberikan daya tahan dan ketahanan terhadap keausan, memastikan kinerja yang andal bahkan dalam kondisi operasional yang menuntut.

It is commonly used in various tramway systems worldwide, including in Europe, Asia, and South America. Its unique design accommodates the wheels of trams, ensuring safe and efficient movement along the track.

Singkatnya, Ri59N grooved rail is a specialized type of steel rail designed for use in tramway systems. It conforms to high standards of strength, Daya tahan, and performance and requires proper installation, Inspeksi rutin, and maintenance to ensure its long-term reliability and safety in tramway operations. Ri59N grooved rail’s exceptional dimensional accuracy, Daya tahan, and resistance to wear make it an ideal choice for various tramway applications worldwide.

Sebagai pemasok produk jalur kereta api, we offer a range of high-quality Ri59N grooved rails and related components to meet the needs of our customers. Jika Anda memerlukan informasi lebih lanjut atau ingin meminta penawaran, Jangan ragu untuk menghubungi kami.

Bagian profil 59R2 (Ri59N) rel beralur

Saya. Rel untuk Kereta Api
1. Standar Cina: TB/T2344-2012, TB/T3276-2011
43 rel kg/m, 50 rel kg/m, 60 rel kg/m, 75rel kg/m
Bahan: U71Mn, U75V, U76CrRE, U20Mn

2. Standar GOST: GOST-R51685
Rel P50/R50, Rel P65/R65 rel, Rel P75/R75 rel
Bahan: Rp 1.500.0, Rp 1.500.000

3. Standar DIN: DIN5901-1955
S10, Rp 14.000., S18 S18, S20, Rp 1.500.0, S33, Rp 1.500.0, Rel S49, Rel UIC54, Rel UIC60
Bahan: 900Sebuah, 350HT

4. Jepang & Standar Korea: JIS E1101
JIS15kg, JIS22kg, JIS30kg, JIS37A, Rel JIS50N, Rel JIS60, CR73, Rel CR100
Bahan: 235HBW, 340HH, 370HH

5. Standar Australia: AS1085, BHP RT STD
Rel AS50, Rel AS60, Rel AS68, AS73, AS86, Rel AS89
Bahan: Rp 1.500.000, Rp 1.500.000, Rp 1.500.000

6. Standar AREMA: ASTM A1
ASCE25, ASCE30, ASCE40, ASCE60, ASCE75, ASCE85, 90 Rel RA, 100 Rel RE, 115 Rel RE, 132 Rel RE, 136 Rel RE, 175Rel LBS
Bahan: SS, HH, 700/900A/1100

7. Standar AREMA: ASTM
Rel TR45, Rel TR50, Rel TR57, Rel TR68
Bahan: Rp 1.500.000, Rp 1.500.000, 350HT

8. Standar BS: BS11-1985
Rel BS50 O, Rel BS60A, Rel BS60R, Rel BS70A, Rel BS75A, Rel BS75R, Rel BS80A, Rel BS80R, Rel BS90A, Rel BS100A, Rel BS113A.
Bahan: 700, 900Sebuah, 1100

9. EN Standard: EN 13674-1
49Rel E1/49E2, 50Rel E1/50E2/50E4/50E5/50E6, 54Rel E1/54E2/54E3, 55E1, 60Rel E1, 60Rel E2
Bahan: Rp 1.500.000, Rp 1.500.000, Rp 1.500.000

10. Iscor Rel standar Afrika Selatan
ISCOR 15, ISCOR 22, ISCOR 30, ISCOR 48 Kereta api, ISCOR 57 Kereta api
Bahan: 700, 900Sebuah

11. Standar India ISCR: SEDANG 3443
ISCR 70, ISCR 80, ISCR 100, ISCR 120 Kereta api
Bahan: U71Mn

II. Rel Sakelar
Standar: TB/T3109-2013
50Rel AT1, 60Rel AT1, 60Rel AT2, 60Rel TY1
Bahan: U71Mn, U75V, U76CrRE

III. Rel Derek
1. Standar: YB/T5055-2014, Rel QU70/KP70, Rel QU80/rel KP80, Rel QU100 rail/KP100, Rel QU120 rail/KP120.
Bahan: U71Mn, 900Sebuah

2. Rel derek ASTM A759-2000: Rel CR175, Bahan: 900A/1100

3. Rel derek DIN536: A45, A55, A65, A75, A100, A120, Rel derek A150. Bahan: 900Sebuah

IV. Rel Beralur
Standar: EN 14811:2006
59Rel R1/59R2, 60Rel R1/60R2
Bahan: U75V

Baut Ikan: 22x135, 24x135, 24x145
Baut Ikan Berkekuatan Tinggi: 22×135, 24×135, 24×145
Baut Terisolasi: 22×160, 24×160, 24×170
Baut tipe T: M24x110
Mesin Cuci Datar: 6×25×50
Mesin Cuci Musim Semi: 20×8, 24×8, 26×8
Mesin Cuci Musim Semi Ganda: 26×8
Lonjakan Sekrup: M22x185, M24x195
Lonjakan sekrup kepala persegi: 22x145, 22x155, 22x165
Lonjakan sekrup segi enam: 22x145, 22x155, 22x165, 22x185, 22x195
Lonjakan Anjing: 16x16×165mm, 8x8x80mm, 10x10x100mm
Celemek Pengukur: 10#, 13#, 14#, 20#
Celemek pengukur antiseptik: 10#
Pelat dasar baja / pelat dasar: Untuk semua jenis rel
Jangkar rel: Untuk semua jenis rel
Pelat dasi karet: Untuk semua jenis rel
Klip rel elastis: Sebuah, Tipe B
Klip rel elastis: SKL Tipe serius
Klip rel elastis antiseptik: Tipe G, Tipe W, Tipe B
Blok celemek nilon: Tipe V, 0-4#, 2-6#
Batang Pengukur Rel Terisolasi: ¢32, ¢36
Batang Pengukur Rel: ¢32, ¢36
Papan ikan: 43Kg, 50Kg, 60Kg, 75Kg, BS60, BS75R, BS80A, BS90A dan sebagainya.
Pelat ikan terisolasi: 43, 50, 60, 75, UIC60, UIC54 dll.

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