YB2222 8kg rel baja

$700.00 $650.00

Standar: GB
Derajat: Q235B
Heigth Rel: 65Mm
Lebar Bawah: 54Mm
Ketebalan Web: 7Mm
Lebar Kepala: 25Mm
Panjangnya: 6m
Nomor Model: 8kg/m
Jenis: Rel Ringan
Aplikasi: Pertambangan Kecil Jalur kereta api
Berat: 8.42kg/m
Sekunder atau tidak: Non-sekunder
Diameter Lubang Baut: 16Mm
Nama produk: 8rel baja lignt kg / m
Kata kunci: Besi Kereta api
Bahan: Q235B
Jenis: Metalurgi mineral
Sertifikat: ISO9001:2008
Garansi: 12 Bulan
KODE HS: 73021000
Penggunaan 1: Jalur kereta api taman kecil
Penggunaan 2: Jalur mobil pertambangan
Keuntungan: Kualitas bagus
Kemampuan Supply: 3000 Ton setiap hari
Detail Kemasan: Bundel dalam wadah
Pelabuhan: Pelabuhan Tianjin
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YB2222 8kg steel rail is commonly used in very light-duty railway applications, seperti trem dan kereta api industri. Ini memiliki berat 8 kilogram per meter dan memiliki profil standar yang cocok untuk digunakan dalam jaringan kereta api berkecepatan rendah dan volume rendah.

Drawing of YB2222 8kg steel rail

Drawing of YB2222 8kg steel rail

Material of YB2222 8kg steel rail

Material of YB2222 8kg steel rail

Rel baja ringan terkait seperti di bawah ini, jika Anda membutuhkannya, silahkan bertanya kepada kami.

Jenis rel Tinggi (Mm) Lebar bawah (Mm) Lebar kepala (Mm) Ketebalan tengah (Mm) Panjangnya (m) Berat (kg/m) Standar
8 65 54 25 7 6 8.42 YB2222
18 90 80 40 10 6 & 8 18.06
24 107 92 51 10.9 6 & 8 24.46
9 63.5 63.5 32.1 5.9 6 8.94 GB11264
12 70 70 38.1 7.54 6 12.2
15 79 79 42.86 8.33 6 & 8 15.2
22 93.66 93.66 50.8 10.72 8 & 10 22.3
30 108 108 60.33 12.3 8 & 10 30.1

YB2222 8kg steel rail is a high-quality railway track component designed to meet the demands of modern transportation systems. With its exceptional durability and performance, it has gained recognition as one of the leading choices for rail infrastructure projects around the world.

YB2222 8kg steel rail is manufactured using advanced techniques and premium quality materials. Rel terbuat dari baja berkekuatan tinggi, ensuring excellent structural integrity and resistance against wear and tear. Its precise dimensions and smooth surface finish allow for seamless movement of trains, mengurangi gesekan dan meningkatkan efisiensi operasional.

One of the key advantages of the YB2222 8kg steel rail is its ability to withstand heavy loads and extreme weather conditions. The rail is engineered to support the weight of locomotives and rolling stock, ensuring safe and reliable transportation of goods and passengers. It is also designed to resist corrosion, making it suitable for both indoor and outdoor applications.

The YB2222 8kg steel rail offers outstanding flexibility and adaptability to various rail network configurations. Its modular design enables easy installation and maintenance, reducing downtime and associated costs. Selain itu, Rel dapat disesuaikan untuk memenuhi persyaratan proyek tertentu, seperti rel melengkung atau sistem rel khusus.

Safety is a paramount concern in railway operations, and the YB2222 8kg steel rail incorporates several features to ensure secure transportation. It provides excellent stability, meminimalkan risiko tergelincir dan kecelakaan. Permukaan rel yang halus mengurangi polusi suara, contributing to a quieter and more comfortable traveling experience.

Lagipula, the YB2222 8kg steel rail complies with international standards and regulations, guaranteeing its reliability and compatibility with existing railway infrastructure. It has undergone rigorous testing and quality control procedures to meet the highest industry standards, giving customers confidence in its performance and longevity.

Pada akhirnya, the YB2222 8kg steel rail is a superior choice for rail infrastructure projects due to its exceptional durability, performa, and safety features. With its ability to withstand heavy loads, kondisi cuaca ekstrem, dan desain yang dapat disesuaikan, it offers a reliable and efficient solution for modern transportation systems. Baik itu untuk kereta api berkecepatan tinggi, Jaringan transit perkotaan, or freight transportation, the YB2222 8kg steel rail sets the benchmark for quality and reliability in the industry.

Deskripsi Spesifikasi
Baut Ikan 22x135, 24x135, 24x145
Baut Ikan Berkekuatan Tinggi 22×135, 24×135, 24×145
Baut Terisolasi 22×160, 24×160, 24×170
Baut tipe T M24x110
Mesin Cuci Datar 6×25×50
Mesin Cuci Musim Semi 20×8, 24×8, 26×8
Mesin Cuci Musim Semi Ganda 26×8
Lonjakan Sekrup M22x185, M24x195
Lonjakan sekrup kepala persegi 22x145, 22x155, 22x165
Lonjakan sekrup segi enam 22x145, 22x155, 22x165, 22x185, 22x195
Lonjakan Anjing 16×165
Celemek Pengukur 10#, 13#, 14#, 20#
Celemek pengukur antiseptik 10#
Pelat dasar baja / pelat dasar Untuk semua jenis rel
Jangkar rel Untuk semua jenis rel
Pelat dasi karet Untuk semua jenis rel
Klip rel elastis Sebuah, Tipe B
Klip rel elastis SKL Tipe serius
Klip rel elastis antiseptik Tipe G
Tipe W
Tipe B
Blok celemek nilon Tipe V, 0-4#, 2-6#
Batang Pengukur Rel Terisolasi ¢32, ¢36
Batang Pengukur Rel ¢32, ¢36
Papan ikan 43Kg, 50Kg, 60Kg, 75Kg
BS60, BS75R, BS80A, BS90A
Pelat ikan terisolasi (43, 50, 60, 75)
UIC60, UIC54

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