EN13674-1 60E2 dəmir yolu

$850.00 $800.00

Standart: BS EN 13674-2
Sinif: 900A/1100
Dəmir yolu hündürlüyü: 172.07mm
Alt Eni: 150mm
Veb Qalınlığı: 16.5mm
Baş eni: 72.03mm
Uzunluq: 12-30m
Model nömrəsi: 60E2
Növ: Keçid Dəmir yolu
Ərizə: Dəmiryolu İştirakı
Çəki: 60.04kq/m
Bolt çuxurunun diametri: 30mm
Məhsulun adı: 60E2
Kenarda flanş hündürlüyü: 11.5mm
Mərkəzdə flanş hündürlüyü: 28mm
Başın hündürlüyü: 51mm
  • Təsvir
  • Lloydun müayinəsi
  • İxrac edilə bilən düz dibli rels
  • Sorğu

EN13674-1 60E2 dəmir yolu xüsusi dövlət dəmir yolu xətti üçün istifadə olunur, 60E1-ə yaxındır, amma bir az fərqlidir, sifarişlə istehsal edə bilərik, MOQ daha çox olmalıdır 500 ton təşkil edir.

Adətən bu tip dəmir yolu dövlət dəmir yolu xətti üçün istifadə olunacaq, fərqli sərtlik və fərqli uzunluq lazımdır, biz sizin tələb kimi bütün istehsal edə bilər.

İstədiyiniz kimi dəmir yolu xəttini dizayn edə bilərik, həmçinin kiçik tipli mədən dəmir yolu xətti və kran hərəkət xətti qura bilər, həmçinin bütün işlək bağlayıcıları təmin edə bilər.

Məhsullarımızın keyfiyyəti hamısı çox yaxşı olsun, biz L/C ödəmə müddətini və hər hansı üçüncü tərəf yoxlamasını qəbul edə bilərik.

Sorğunuzu bizə bildirmək üçün aşağıdakı spesifikasiyaya istinad edin:

Drawing of EN13674-1 60E2 rail

Drawing of EN13674-1 60E2 rail

Material of EN13674-1 60E2 rail

EN13674-1 60E2 rail is a type of railway track that adheres to the European Norm (IN) specifications. It is commonly used in Europe and other regions where EN standards are followed for railway infrastructure.
The EN13674-1 60E2 rail has a weight of 60 kilograms per meter and features a unique profile that is optimized for use in mainline railways, industrial railways, and heavy-duty freight transportation applications.
One of the key advantages of the EN13674-1 60E2 rail is its high load-bearing capacity. It is designed to withstand extremely heavy loads and frequent use, making it ideal for use in mainline railways, industrial railways, and mining railways where heavy freight is transported regularly. The rail is made from high-quality steel that undergoes rigorous manufacturing processes to ensure optimal mechanical properties and durability.
In addition to its high strength and load-bearing capacity, the EN13674-1 60E2 rail is also designed with safety in mind. It features a continuous welded structure that minimizes the risk of rail breaks or derailments, and it is equipped with special fittings such as fishplates, bolts, and clips that ensure a secure connection between the rails and prevent movement or displacement.
The EN13674-1 60E2 rail is easy to install and maintain, thanks to its standardized dimensions and fittings. It can be installed using a variety of methods, including direct fixing, clamping, or welding, depending on the specific requirements of the application.
To ensure the quality and reliability of the EN13674-1 60E2 rail, it undergoes rigorous testing and certification processes before being approved for use. These tests include tensile strength tests, impact tests, and fatigue tests, among others, to verify the rail’s mechanical properties and performance under different operating conditions.
The EN13674-1 60E2 rail is widely used in Europe and other regions where EN standards are followed for railway infrastructure. However, it can also be used in other countries where similar rail profiles are used, provided that the necessary adaptations are made to the rail infrastructure.
In conclusion, the EN13674-1 60E2 rail is a high-performance railway track that is specifically designed for use in mainline railways, industrial railways, and heavy-duty freight transportation applications. Its high load-bearing capacity, strength, durability, and safety features make it an ideal choice for railway infrastructure projects that require reliable and efficient rail tracks. As a supplier of railway track products, we offer a range of high-quality EN13674-1 60E2 rails and related components to meet the needs of our customers. If you require more information or would like to request a quote, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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