Bagaimana memilih fishplate (Bar Bersama) untuk UIC54 (54E1) Kereta api

Ada dua jenis fishplate (Bar Bersama) untuk UIC54 (54E1) rel baja, Salah satunya adalah 6 Lubang, Salah satunya adalah 4 Lubang, Dan desainnya memiliki dua konsep berbeda, Satu celah ujungnya adalah 4mm, satu celah adalah 10mm, Jadi panjang dan berat satuan semuanya berbeda, parameter seperti di bawah ini:

UIC54 (54E1) parameter fishplate
4 Lubang 6 Lubang
Celah (Mm) Panjangnya (m) Berat (kg/pc) Panjangnya (m) Berat (kg/pc)
4 580 14.34 920 22.74
10 630 15.6 940 22.9

Gambarnya seperti di bawah ini:

Ada dua jenis fishplates (Batang sambungan) tersedia untuk UIC54 (54E1) rel baja, differing in the number of holes and design concept. One type features six holes, while the other has four holes. The design variations result in differences in the gap at the ends of the fishplates.

In the first design, the gap between the ends of the fishplates measures 4mm. This design concept aims to ensure a tight and secure connection between rail sections, minimizing any potential movement or misalignment at the joint. The 6-hole fishplate with a 4mm gap is specifically engineered to maintain the structural integrity of the rail line.

Dilain pihak, the second design features a larger gap of 10mm between the ends of the fishplates. This design concept offers more flexibility at the joint, allowing for slight movement and expansion of the rail sections due to temperature variations or other factors. The 4-hole fishplate with a 10mm gap is designed to accommodate these potential changes, preventing undue stress on the rail components.

Due to the differences in design, the length and unit weight of the two types of fishplates also vary. The 6-hole fishplate with a 4mm gap has a specific length and weight, while the 4-hole fishplate with a 10mm gap has different dimensions and weight specifications.

These options in fishplate design provide flexibility for railway engineers and professionals to choose the most suitable type based on specific project requirements. The selection depends on factors such as the expected operating conditions, iklim, and overall track design.

Singkatnya, the availability of both six-hole and four-hole fishplates for UIC54 (54E1) rel baja, with varying gap measurements, allows for customized solutions in rail joint connections. These options accommodate different engineering considerations and ensure the safe and efficient operation of railway tracks in diverse conditions.

Any choice should base on the design drawing, if you want to learn more about it, Jangan ragu untuk menghubungi kami.

We can supply the related railway rail fasteners as below:

Baut Ikan: 22×135, 24×135, 24×145
Baut Ikan Berkekuatan Tinggi: 22×135, 24×135, 24×145
Baut Terisolasi: 22×160, 24×160, 24×170
Baut tipe T: M24x110
Mesin Cuci Datar: 6×25×50
Mesin Cuci Musim Semi: 20×8, 24×8, 26×8
Mesin Cuci Musim Semi Ganda: 26×8
Lonjakan Sekrup: M22x185, M24x195
Lonjakan sekrup kepala persegi: 22×145, 22×155, 22×165
Lonjakan sekrup segi enam: 22×145, 22×155, 22×165, 22×185, 22×195
Lonjakan Anjing: 16×16×165mm, 8x8x80mm, 10x10x100mm
Celemek Pengukur: 10#, 13#, 14#, 20#
Celemek pengukur antiseptik: 10#
Pelat dasar baja / pelat dasar: Untuk semua jenis rel
Jangkar rel: Untuk semua jenis rel
Pelat dasi karet: Untuk semua jenis rel
Klip rel elastis: Sebuah, Tipe B
Klip rel elastis: SKL Tipe serius
Klip rel elastis antiseptik: Tipe G, Tipe W, Tipe B
Blok celemek nilon: Tipe V, 0-4#, 2-6#
Batang Pengukur Rel Terisolasi: ¢32, ¢36
Batang Pengukur Rel: ¢32, ¢36
Papan ikan: 43Kg, 50Kg, 60Kg, 75Kg, BS60, BS75R, BS80A, BS90A dan sebagainya.
Pelat ikan terisolasi: 43, 50, 60, 75, UIC60, UIC54 dll.

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