41Szyna E1

$790.00 $760.00

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41Szyna E1 należy do normy EN13674-4, previous profile is DIN5901 S41 rail, możemy go wyprodukować na zamówienie.

Rysunek, który mamy rolkę jak poniżej, może wyprodukować go na czas:Proszę zauważyć, że, możemy dostarczyć oba rodzaje tej szyny, tylko dno ma trochę inne, jeśli potrzebujesz pierwszego, możemy go wyprodukować na zamówienie. Jeśli potrzebujesz drugiego, potrzebujemy wałka, aby go wyprodukować, MOQ powinno wynosić 3000 Ton.

Drawing of 41E1 rail

Drawing of 41E1 rail

Materiał jak poniżej:

Material of 41E1 rail

EN13674-4 41E1 rail is a type of railway track steel rail that adheres to the European standard EN13674-4. It is commonly used in railway transportation systems across Europe and other regions that follow this standard.
The 41E1 rail is made from high-quality carbon steel, which provides it with excellent strength and hardness. The standard dimensions of the rail are 41 kilograms per meter in weight, 125 millimeters in width, i 140.3 millimeters in height. It also features a specific head shape and profile design that ensures stability and smoothness during operation.
One of the key advantages of the 41E1 rail is its excellent wear resistance and impact resistance, which make it suitable for heavy loads and high-speed operations. Dodatkowo, it has good welding and processing properties, Ułatwia instalację i konserwację.
The 41E1 rail is widely used in various railway transportation systems, w tym linie kolejowe, koleje górnicze, koleje przemysłowe, and more. Its versatility and durability make it an ideal choice for railway operators who require reliable and long-lasting track infrastructure.
In terms of manufacturing process, the production of 41E1 rail involves several steps, including steelmaking, Toczenia, Obróbka cieplna, i wykańczanie. High-quality raw materials are selected and melted in a furnace before being rolled into the desired shape and size. The rail is then subjected to heat treatment processes such as quenching and tempering to enhance its mechanical properties.
To ensure the quality and safety of the 41E1 rail, rigorous testing and inspection procedures are carried out at various stages of production. These tests include non-destructive testing methods such as ultrasonic testing, magnetic particle testing, and radiographic testing, as well as destructive testing methods like tensile testing and bend testing.
Kombinezon, the EN13674-4 41E1 rail is a high-performance railway track steel rail that offers excellent durability, niezawodność, i wydajność. Jako chiński dostawca, we can provide high-quality 41E1 rail and other types of railway track products to meet the needs of different customers. If you are interested in learning more about our products or obtaining a quote, Skontaktuj się z nami.
It is worth noting that the 41E1 rail is often used in conjunction with other railway track components such as fishplates, bolts, and fasteners to create a complete and secure track system. The selection of these components is critical to ensuring the safe and efficient operation of the railway system.
W dodatku, the installation and maintenance of the 41E1 rail must be carried out by trained and experienced professionals who follow strict safety protocols and guidelines. Regular inspections and maintenance are necessary to identify any potential issues and prevent accidents or derailments.
Kombinezon, the EN13674-4 41E1 rail is a crucial component of modern railway transportation systems, and its quality and performance play a vital role in ensuring the safety and efficiency of railway operations. As a leading supplier of railway track products, we are committed to providing our customers with the highest quality products and services to meet their needs and exceed their expectations.

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