Qual é a diferença do padrão de trilho de aço GOST R 51685-2013 e GOST R 51045-2014?

GOST R 51685-2013 e GOST R 51045-2014 são ambas as normas russas que especificam os requisitos para trilhos de aço usados em trilhos ferroviários. A principal diferença entre essas normas é o seu escopo.

GOST R 51685-2013 especifica os requisitos aplicáveis aos carris de aço para vias férreas de uso geral com bitola de via 1520 milímetro. Abrange trilhos feitos de aço carbono e de baixa liga, e inclui requisitos para a composição química, propriedades mecânicas, Dimensões, qualidade da superfície, e inspeção dos trilhos.

Por outro lado, GOST R 51045-2014 specifies the requirements for steel rails for the construction of industrial tracks, with a track gauge of 750-1520 milímetro. This standard also covers rails made of carbon and low-alloyed steel grades, but focuses on specific requirements for the hardness of the rails, as well as for the chemical composition, Dimensões, qualidade da superfície, e inspeção dos trilhos.

Em resumo, GOST R 51685-2013 is a general-purpose standard for steel rails used in conventional railway tracks, while GOST R 51045-2014 is a more specific standard for steel rails used in industrial tracks.

GOST R 51685-2013 e GOST R 51045-2014 both specify standards for steel rails used in railway track construction in Russia.

GOST R 51685-2013 specifies four types of rails: Type P, Type K, Type S and Type E. Type P rails are primarily used in high-speed passenger transportation, while Type K rails are used in heavy haul freight traffic. Type S rails are used in areas with heavy traffic loads, and Type E rails are used in the construction of switches and crossings.

GOST R 51045-2014 specifies three types of rails: Type R50, Type R65, and Type R75, which are differentiated based on their weight per meter. Type R50 rails weigh approximately 50 quilogramas por metro, Type R65 rails weigh approximately 65 quilogramas por metro, and Type R75 rails weigh approximately 75 quilogramas por metro. All three types of rails are used in railway track construction and are designed to withstand heavy loads and stress.

GOST R 51685-2013 e GOST R 51045-2014 are Russian standards for steel rails used in railway infrastructure. These standards are typically used in Russia and countries within the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), such as Kazakhstan, Belarus, and Ukraine. Contudo, it is also possible for other countries to adopt these standards for their own railway infrastructure.

GOST R 51685-2013 e GOST R 51045-2014 specify requirements for steel rails used in railway tracks, including the technical characteristics of rails, such as their length, peso, e dimensões, as well as their mechanical and physical properties, such as their strength, dureza, e durabilidade.

Especificamente, GOST R 51685-2013 provides requirements for rails with a weight of 49 kg/m até 75 kg/m, intended for use on a railway track with a gauge of 1,520 mm ou 1,435 milímetro. Whereas GOST R 51045-2014 is intended for rails weighing from 27 kg/m até 68 kg/m, intended for use on industrial railways and mines with a gauge of 1,067 milímetro.

These standards also specify the methods for testing rails to ensure that they meet the required standards. The usage of these steel rails is to provide a stable, durable and safe foundation for railway tracks, ensuring reliable and efficient rail transport.

Nós podemos fornecer os trilhos de fundo plano padrão internacional como abaixo, se você precisar, por favor, sinta-se livre para nos perguntar:




Ferroviário para Ferrovias 43 trilho kg/m, 50 trilho kg/m,

60 trilho kg/m, 75trilho kg/m, 60N trilho, 75N trilho

TB/T2344-2012, TB/T3276-2011
Trilho P50/Trilho R50, Trilho P65/Trilho R65, RP60E1 GOST-R51685, GOST R51054-2014
Trilho S49, Trilho UIC54, Trilho UIC60 UIC860
Trilho JIS50N, Trilho JIS60 JIS E1101
Trilho AS50, Trilho AS60, Trilho AS68 AS1085, BHP RT STD
90Trilho RA, 100Re ferroviário, 115Re ferroviário, 132Re ferroviário, 136Re ferroviário AREMA
Trilho TR45, Trilho TR50, Trilho TR57, Trilho TR68 ASTM A759 (em inglês)
Trilho BS75A, Trem BS90A, Trem BS100A PADRÃO BS11
45E1, 49Trilho E1, 50Trilho E2, 54Trilho E1,

60Trilho E1, 60Trilho E2

EN 13674-1, EN13674-4
Trilho de interruptor 50Trilho AT1, 60Trilho AT1,

60Trilho AT2, 60Trilho TY1

Guindaste Ferroviário A45, A55, A65, A75, A100, A120, A150 DIN536
Trilho QU70/Trilho KP70, Trilho QU80/Trilho KP80, Trilho QU100/Trem KP100,

Trilho QU120/Trem KP100, Trilho CR175

ASTM A759-2000
Trilho Ranhurado 59Trilho R2, 60Trilho R2 EN 14811:2006

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