ISCOR 48 Cənubi Afrika standart polad dəmir yolu

$900.00 $850.00

ISCOR 48 Cənubi Afrika standart polad dəmir yolu

Uzunluq: 12 üçün 30 metr;

Vahid çəki: 47.60 kq/m;

MOQ: 3000 ton təşkil edir

Çatdırılma müddəti 45 günlər

Çatdırılma limanı: Tianjin limanı

Qablaşdırma: Toplu yüklə paket şəklində

  • Təsvir
  • İxrac edilə bilən beynəlxalq standart düz dibli rels
  • Sorğu

ISCOR 48 South African standard steel rail is used for South Afterica area railway line, sifarişlə istehsal edə bilərik, MOQ daha çox olmalıdır 3000 ton təşkil edir, uzunluğu ola bilər 12 üçün 36 metr, material r260HB or R350HT.

Drawing of ISCOR 48 Cənubi Afrika standart polad dəmir yolu

Drawing of ISCOR 48 Cənubi Afrika standart polad dəmir yolu

Uzunluq: 12 üçün 36 metr;

Vahid çəki: 47.60 kq/m;

İstehsal standartı: UIC860;

Çatdırılma yoxlama standartı: Kvalifikasiya testləri və qəbul testləri üçün EN13674;

Material: R900A/R1100;

Sərtlik: R260, R320.
Material of ISCOR 48 Cənubi Afrika standart polad dəmir yolu

Material of ISCOR 48 Cənubi Afrika standart polad dəmir yolu

ISCOR 48 South African standard steel rail is a medium-sized steel rail with high strength and durability. It is usually used for the construction and maintenance of railway lines and is widely used in the railway system in South Africa.
The specific specifications of ISCOR 48 steel rails are as follows:
-Material: Steel
-Çəki: approximately 48 kilograms per meter
-Uzunluq: Standard length is 12-60 metr
ISCOR 48 South African standard steel rail is designed to carry the weight of trains and provide a smooth running surface. It can withstand the enormous pressure and impact generated by trains passing by. This type of steel rail has a long service life and requires regular inspection and maintenance to ensure its performance and safety.
For more detailed specifications and parameters of ISCOR 48 polad rels, please consult us for further understanding.

ISCOR 48 refers to a specific type of steel rail that conforms to South African standards. The designation “ISCOR” historically refers to the Iron and Steel Corporation, which was a major South African steel producer. The “48” in ISCOR 48 represents the rail’s weight per meter in kilograms.

ISCOR 48 steel rail is designed for use in railway tracks and undergoes stringent manufacturing processes to ensure it meets the required standards for strength, durability, and performance. These rails are commonly used in South Africa’s railway infrastructure.

Proper installation of ISCOR 48 polad rels, including the use of rail fastening systems such as clips, pads, and bolts, is necessary to secure the rail to the track bed, ensuring stability and safe railway operations.

Regular inspections are essential to identify any signs of wear, deformation, or misalignment, and timely maintenance and repair are crucial to uphold the rail’s long-term performance and safety.

ISCOR 48 South African standard steel rail offers excellent dimensional accuracy, straightness, and uniformity, contributing to smooth movement of train wheels and reducing noise and vibration during railway operations. Its robust construction provides durability and resistance to wear, ensuring reliable performance even under demanding operational conditions.

In summary, ISCOR 48 South African standard steel rail is a standard type of rail used in South African railway infrastructure, manufactured to meet strict standards for strength, durability, and performance. Proper installation, regular inspections, and maintenance are imperative to ensure its long-term reliability and safety in railway operations. ISCOR 48 steel rail’s exceptional dimensional accuracy, durability, and resistance to wear make it well-suited for various railway applications in South Africa.

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