O uso do trilho de aço GB2585 P43

GB2585 P43 é um tipo de trilho de aço usado na indústria ferroviária. É feito de aço de alta qualidade e é projetado para suportar as cargas pesadas e tensões encontradas em operações ferroviárias.

Os trilhos de aço P43 são normalmente usados em aplicações ferroviárias pesadas, como nas linhas principais e nos pátios de carga, onde são submetidos a cargas elevadas e operações de comutação frequentes. Eles são conhecidos por sua durabilidade, força, e resistência ao desgaste, which makes them a popular choice among railway operators and engineers.

The specification for GB2585 P43 steel rail includes the following:

* Material: High-quality U71Mn steel, dureza 260HB.

* Perfil: P43, which has a specific shape and dimensions that determine its strength and load-bearing capacity

* Comprimento: Tipicamente 12.5 medidores ou 12 Metros

* Peso por metro: Aproximadamente 44.65 Quilogramas

* Resistência à tração: Greater than 880 Mpa

* Elongação: Greater than 9%

GB2585 P43 steel rail is typically used in heavy-duty railway applications where high loads and frequent switching operations are encountered. Some common uses include:

* Mainlines: P43 rails are often used on mainlines which for metro or light railway.

* Freight yards: P43 rails are also used in freight yards, where trains are loaded and unloaded, and where switches are frequently used to direct trains to different tracks.

* Mineração: P43 rails may also be used in mining operations, where heavy loads of ore and other materials are transported by rail.

Geral, P43 steel rail is designed to withstand the heavy loads and stresses encountered in railway operations, making it a popular choice among railway operators and engineers.

GB2585 P43 steel rail can be used in any country that has a railway system and requires high-quality steel rails for heavy-duty applications.

In developing countries, P43 rails may be used to upgrade existing railway infrastructure or to build new railway lines. Developing countries often have a growing demand for transportation infrastructure, and high-quality steel rails like P43 can help to meet this demand while also improving the efficiency and safety of the railway system.

Como fornecedor chinês, we highly recommend GB2585 P43 steel rail to our respected customers. This rail is made of high-quality steel and is designed to withstand the heavy loads and stresses encountered in railway operations. It is suitable for use in subway and light railway applications, such as on mainlines, in freight yards, and on some rail lines.

As a supplier of P43 steel rail, we offer competitive pricing, pronta entrega, e excelente atendimento ao cliente. We are committed to providing our customers with the highest quality products and services, and we look forward to the opportunity to work with you.


Nós podemos fornecer os trilhos de fundo plano padrão internacional como abaixo:




Ferroviário para Ferrovias 43 trilho kg/m, 50 trilho kg/m,

60 trilho kg/m, 75trilho kg/m, 60N trilho, 75N trilho

TB/T2344-2012, TB/T3276-2011
Trilho P50/Trilho R50, Trilho P65/Trilho R65, RP60E1 GOST-R51685, GOST R51054-2014
Trilho S49, Trilho UIC54, Trilho UIC60 UIC860
Trilho JIS50N, Trilho JIS60 JIS E1101
Trilho AS50, Trilho AS60, Trilho AS68 AS1085, BHP RT STD
90Trilho RA, 100Re ferroviário, 115Re ferroviário, 132Re ferroviário, 136Re ferroviário AREMA
Trilho TR45, Trilho TR50, Trilho TR57, Trilho TR68 ASTM A759 (em inglês)
Trilho BS75A, Trem BS90A, Trem BS100A PADRÃO BS11
ISCOR 48 trilho, ISCOR 57 trilho UIC860 produzir padrão
45E1, 49Trilho E1, 50Trilho E2, 54Trilho E1,

60Trilho E1, 60Trilho E2

EN 13674-1, EN13674-4
Trilho de interruptor 50Trilho AT1, 60Trilho AT1,

60Trilho AT2, 60Trilho TY1

Guindaste Ferroviário A45, A55, A65, A75, A100, A120, A150 DIN536
Trilho QU70/Trilho KP70, Trilho QU80/Trilho KP80, Trilho QU100/Trem KP100,

Trilho QU120/Trem KP100, Trilho CR175

ASTM A759-2000
Trilho Ranhurado 59Trilho R2, 60Trilho R2 EN 14811:2006

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