50kg placă de pește feroviară

$25.00 $20.00

  • Tip: Placă de pește
  • Material: 45# oțel, 45Mn
  • Dimensiuni (L x W x H) (milimetru): 790/820milimetru
  • Locul de origine: Henan, China (Continent)
  • Nume de marcă: De Song
  • Numărul modelului: P38/ P43/ P50/ P60
  • Nume: P50 placă de pește
  • Aplicație: Îmbinarea șinei P50
  • Standard: YB(T)58-1987
  • Procesul de producție: Laminate la cald
  • Alt nume: Bara de îmbinare a căii ferate
  • Alt nume 2: Splice feroviar
  • Alt nume 3: Bara de îmbinare unghiulară
  • Alt nume 4: Atelă de oțel
  • Duritate: HB:≤197
  • Descriere
  • Related railroad fasteners
  • Termenul de livrare
  • Anchetă

50kg rail fishplate is used for P50 rail to rail joint, each end of rail has three holes, use a pair of fishplate to clamp the rail, use fishbolts to thread the holes and fix it.

Desenul de proiectare de mai jos:

Drawing of 50kg rail fishplate

Drawing of 50kg rail fishplate

Usage of 50kg rail fishplate

Certainly! Here’s an introduction to the fishplate used for 50kg steel rails:

A fishplate, also known as a splice bar or joint bar, is a crucial component in railway construction that is used to connect and join two pieces of rail together. When it comes to connecting sections of 50kg steel rail, a fishplate specifically designed for this rail type is required. The 50kg rail fishplate plays a vital role in ensuring the integrity, stabilitate, and safety of the railway track.

Here are some key features and considerations regarding the fishplate for 50kg steel rail:

1. Compatibilitate: The fishplate must be compatible with the profile and dimensions of the 50kg steel rail. It should match the rail’s specific design, including its length, bolt hole pattern, și alte specificații. This ensures a proper fit and alignment between the rail sections.

2. Secure Connection: The primary function of the fishplate is to provide a secure connection between the two pieces of 50kg steel rail. It prevents any gaps or misalignment between the rail sections, ensuring a smooth and safe passage for trains. Proper installation and fastening of the fishplate are crucial for maintaining the track’s integrity.

3. Distribuția sarcinii: The fishplate helps distribute the forces and loads exerted on the rail joint, especially under the weight and movement of passing trains. By evenly spreading the load across the connected rail sections, it contributes to the overall strength and durability of the railway track.

4. Maintenance and Repair: In case of rail damage or wear, the fishplate facilitates maintenance and repair activities. It allows for the replacement or repair of specific rail sections without the need for extensive track dismantling. This saves time and resources during maintenance operations.

5. Calitate și conformitate: The manufacturing of 50kg rail fishplates is subject to strict quality control measures to ensure compliance with industry standards. Adherence to these standards is crucial for maintaining the safety and reliability of the railway infrastructure.

Instalarea corectă, întreținere, and adherence to industry guidelines are essential for the effective utilization of fishplates on 50kg steel rail tracks. Regular inspections and monitoring of the fishplatescondition, as well as addressing any signs of wear or damage promptly, are critical for ensuring the ongoing safety and performance of the railway track.

Pe scurt, the fishplate for 50kg steel rail is a vital component in connecting and maintaining railway tracks. Its compatibility, secure connection, load distribution capabilities, and facilitation of maintenance and repair operations contribute to the overall safety and efficiency of the railway system.

Secțiunea de profil a plăcii de pește standard chinezești de 50 kg

Nr. crt.. Descriere Specificaţie Material
1 Bolț de pește 22x135, 24x135, 24x145 Întrebarea 235
2 Bolț de pește de înaltă rezistență 22×135, 24×135, 24×145 C45
3 Bolt izolat 22×160, 24×160, 24×170 C45
4 Șurub de tip T M24x110 Întrebarea 235
5 Spălător plat 6×25×50 Întrebarea 235
6 Masina de spalat primavara 20×8, 24×8, 26×8
7 Masina de spalat dubla de primavara 26×8
8 Șurub Spike M22x185, M24x195 Întrebarea 235
9 Șurub cu cap pătrat spike 22x145, 22x155, 22x165 Întrebarea 235A
10 Hexagon șurub spike 22x145, 22x155, 22x165, 22x185, 22x195 Întrebarea 235A
11 Câine Spike 16×165
12 Ecartament șorț 10#, 13#, 14#, 20# Întrebarea 235
13 Șorț cu ecartament antiseptic 10# Întrebarea 235
14 Placă de legătură din oțel / placă de bază QT450-10
15 Ancoră feroviară QT450-10, Întrebarea 235A, QT400-15
16 Placă de cravată din cauciuc P43, P50, P60 Cauciuc
17 Clema elastică a șinei Un,Tip B 60Si2Mn
18 SKL grave de tip 60Si2Cr, 38Si7
19 Tipul G 60Si2MnA
20 Tip W
21 Cletă elastică antiseptică a șinei Tip B 60Si2MnA
22 Nylon șorț bloc Tipul V, 0-4#, 2-6# Poliamidă 66
23 Izolat ecartament feroviar Tija ¢32, ¢36
24 Rail Gauge Rod ¢32, ¢36
25 Placă de pește 43Kg, 50Kg, 60Kg, 75Kg B7. 45#
BS60, BS75R, BS80A, BS90A B6, B7
Placă de pește izolată (43, 50, 60, 75).. B6, B7
UIC60, UIC54 50#, 45#

Termen de plată: T/T sau L/C

Timpul de livrare: 10 Zile

Port de livrare: Portul Tianjin

Pachet: Balot pe palet sau cutie de placaj


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