12kg bară de îmbinare a șinei

$5.00 $4.00

Material: Întrebarea 235, Întrebarea 235
Dimensiuni (L x W x H) (milimetru): 409×26.5x9mm
Locul de origine: Henan, China (Continent)
Nume de marcă: Yueqi
Nume 1: 12 kg placă de pește
Nume 2: 12 kg jointbar
Nume 3: 12 kg șină splice
Aplicație: Pentru 12 conexiune feroviară kg/m
Certificat: 3.1 MTC
CODUL SA: 73024000.00
Standard: GB11265-89
MOQ: 100 Seturi
Garanție: 12 Luni
Capacitatea de aprovizionare: 1000 Set/Seturi pe zi
Detalii ambalaj: Pachet în pungă țesută
Port: Tianjin
  • Descriere
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12kg rail joint bar is used for joint both ends of 12 kg/m șină, it is used clamp both sides of rail, then use bolts to fix them together.

12kg bară de îmbinare a șinei

12kg bară de îmbinare a șinei

12kg rail joint bar also known as a splice bar or fishplate, is a component used to join two sections of 12kg/m rail together in railway track construction. The 12kg designation refers to the weight of the rail per meter.

12kg rail joint bar is typically made of high-quality steel and are designed to provide a secure connection between rails. They are installed at the ends of adjacent rail sections and fastened using bolts, nuts, and washers. The joint bar spans across the rail ends on both sides, effectively joining them and maintaining alignment.

The purpose of 12kg rail joint bar is to ensure continuity and stability in the track structure. It helps distribute the forces and loads exerted by passing trains across the joint, preventing misalignment or separation of the rail sections. By maintaining a smooth and seamless transition between the rails, joint bars contribute to a safe and comfortable train ride.

Proper installation and maintenance of rail joint bars are essential for the overall integrity of the railway track. Regular inspections are conducted to check for any wear, daune, or loosening of the joint bar and its associated fasteners. Dacă este necesar, repairs or replacements are carried out to maintain the strength and stability of the rail joint.

Pe scurt, 12kg rail joint bar is a crucial component used to connect two sections of 12kg/m rail in railway track construction. It ensures continuity, alignment, and stability of the track, allowing for safe and efficient train operations. Regular maintenance and inspections are vital to ensure the proper functioning of the rail joint bar and to address any issues that may arise.

Descriere Specificaţie
Bolț de pește 22×135, 24×135, 24×145
Bolț de pește de înaltă rezistență 22×135, 24×135, 24×145
Bolt izolat 22×160, 24×160, 24×170
Șurub de tip T M24x110
Spălător plat 6×25×50
Masina de spalat primavara 20×8, 24×8, 26×8
Masina de spalat dubla de primavara 26×8
Șurub Spike M22x185, M24x195
Șurub cu cap pătrat spike 22×145, 22×155, 22×165
Hexagon șurub spike 22×145, 22×155, 22×165, 22×185, 22×195
Câine Spike 16×165
Ecartament șorț 10#, 13#, 14#, 20#
Șorț cu ecartament antiseptic 10#
Placă de bază din oțel/ placă de bază
Ancoră feroviară
Placă de cravată din cauciuc P43, P50, P60
Clema elastică a șinei Un, Tip B
SKL grave de tip
Tipul G
Tip W
Cletă elastică antiseptică a șinei Tip B
Nylon șorț bloc Tipul V, 0-4#, 2-6#
Izolat ecartament feroviar Tija ¢32, ¢36
Rail Gauge Rod ¢32, ¢36
Placă de pește 43Kg, 50Kg, 60Kg, 75Kg
BS60, BS75R, BS80A, BS90A
Placă de pește izolată (43, 50, 60, 75)
UIC60, UIC54

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