P60 Fishplate

$25.00 $20.00

  • Tip: Placă de pește
  • Material: 45# oțel, 45Mn
  • Dimensiuni (L x W x H) (milimetru): 790/820milimetru
  • Locul de origine: Henan, China (Continent)
  • Nume de marcă: De Song
  • Numărul modelului: P38/ P43/ P50/ P60
  • Nume: P50 placă de pește
  • Aplicație: Îmbinarea șinei P50
  • Standard: YB(T)58-1987
  • Procesul de producție: Laminate la cald
  • Alt nume: Bara de îmbinare a căii ferate
  • Alt nume 2: Splice feroviar
  • Alt nume 3: Bara de îmbinare unghiulară
  • Alt nume 4: Atelă de oțel
  • Duritate: HB:≤197
  • Termen de plată: T/T sau L/CTimpul de livrare: 10 ZilePort de livrare: Portul TianjinPachet: Balot pe palet sau cutie de placaj
  • Descriere
  • Related railroad fasteners
  • Anchetă

P60 fishplate also be named splice bar or rail joint bar, it is an important component used in railway track construction to join two sections of P60 rail together.

Desenul de proiectare de mai jos:

Drawing of P60 fishplate

Drawing of P60 fishplate

Drawing of P60 fishplate

The P60 fishplate is typically made of high-quality steel and is designed to provide a secure and durable connection between rail sections. It is installed at the ends of adjacent rail sections and fastened using bolts, nuts, and washers. The fishplate spans across the rail ends on both sides, effectively joining them and maintaining alignment.

One of the primary purposes of the P60 fishplate is to ensure continuity and stability in the track structure. By connecting the rail sections, it helps distribute the forces and loads exerted by passing trains across the joint. This prevents misalignment or separation of the rail sections, ensuring a smooth and safe train ride.

The design of the P60 fishplate is crucial for its functionality. It typically consists of two symmetrical halves that are bolted together. The halves have holes drilled through them, allowing the bolts to pass through and secure the rail sections tightly. The fishplate is designed to withstand the immense pressures and stresses experienced by the rail joint during train operations.

Proper installation and maintenance of the P60 fishplate are essential to ensure the overall integrity of the railway track. Se efectuează inspecții periodice pentru a verifica orice semne de uzură, daune, or loosening of the fishplate and its associated fasteners. If any issues are detected, repairs or replacements are carried out promptly to maintain the strength and stability of the rail joint.

The P60 fishplate is widely used in heavy-duty rail applications due to its robustness and reliability. It is commonly found in mainline tracks, căi ferate de mare viteză, and freight lines where the rail sections undergo significant stress and load.

Pe scurt, the P60 fishplate plays a critical role in joining two sections of P60 rail together in railway track construction. It ensures continuity, alignment, and stability of the track, allowing for safe and efficient train operations. Instalarea corectă, inspectare, and maintenance are necessary to ensure the optimal performance of the P60 fishplate and to address any issues that may arise.

Descriere Specificaţie
Bolț de pește 22x135, 24x135, 24x145
Bolț de pește de înaltă rezistență 22×135, 24×135, 24×145
Bolt izolat 22×160, 24×160, 24×170
Șurub de tip T M24x110
Spălător plat 6×25×50
Masina de spalat primavara 20×8, 24×8, 26×8
Masina de spalat dubla de primavara 26×8
Șurub Spike M22x185, M24x195
Șurub cu cap pătrat spike 22x145, 22x155, 22x165
Hexagon șurub spike 22x145, 22x155, 22x165, 22x185, 22x195
Câine Spike 16×165
Ecartament șorț 10#, 13#, 14#, 20#
Șorț cu ecartament antiseptic 10#
Placă de bază din oțel/ placă de bază
Ancoră feroviară
Placă de cravată din cauciuc P43, P50, P60
Clema elastică a șinei Un, Tip B
SKL grave de tip
Tipul G
Tip W
Cletă elastică antiseptică a șinei Tip B
Nylon șorț bloc Tipul V, 0-4#, 2-6#
Izolat ecartament feroviar Tija ¢32, ¢36
Rail Gauge Rod ¢32, ¢36
Placă de pește 43Kg, 50Kg, 60Kg, 75Kg
BS60, BS75R, BS80A, BS90A
Placă de pește izolată (43, 50, 60, 75)
UIC60, UIC54

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