En14811 standar 60R2 Rel beralur

$1,200.00 $1,000.00

EN 14811 60R2 grooved rail juga diberi nama Ri60-R13 dan Ri60N, Ini digunakan untuk jalur kereta api City Ground Light, Kami biasanya memiliki stok, Panjang normal adalah 12 Meter, bahan U75V. Jika jumlahnya cukup, Kami juga dapat memproduksi spesifikasi khusus sebagai custom.

EN 14811
Derajat: U75V
Heigth Rel: 180Mm
Lebar Bawah: 180Mm
Ketebalan Web: 13Mm
Lebar Kepala: 113Mm
Panjangnya: 12m
Nama Merek: Baogang
Nomor Model: 60Rp 2/Ri 60N
Jenis: Rel jalur darat kota
Aplikasi: Kota Kereta api
Berat: 59.75 kg/m
Lebar kepala (C): 113Mm
Lebar kepala (C1): 55.83Mm
Lebar alur (C2): 36.34Mm
Penggunaan: Jalur kereta api ringan tanah kota
Sertifikat: 3.1 MTC/3.2 oleh Lloyd's regiester
Nama produk: Rel beralur
Bahan: U75V
  • Deskripsi
  • Rel bawah datar standar internasional yang dapat diekspor
  • Pengencang kereta api terkait pasokan
  • Penyelidikan

EN14811 standard 60R2 Grooved rail is used for city ground light railway line, bagian atas sama seperti tanah, Setelah kereta melewatinya, Orang-orang bisa berjalan ke atasnya.

En14811 standar 60R2 Rel beralur

En14811 standar 60R2 Rel beralur

EN14811 is a European standard that specifies the requirements for grooved rails used in railway systems. The 60R2 profile is one of the most commonly used grooved rail profiles.

The 60R2 grooved rail is designed to provide a stable and secure track for railway vehicles, including trams, kendaraan kereta ringan, and other urban transit systems. It has a distinctive profile with a flat bottom and two inclined sides that form a groove in the rail. This groove accommodates the flange of the train wheel, providing guidance and stability for the vehicle as it travels along the track.

The 60R2 grooved rail is manufactured to meet stringent standards for strength, Daya tahan, and precision. It is typically made of high-quality steel and undergoes rigorous quality control measures during production to ensure its reliability and performance. The rail must also meet specific requirements for hardness, Daktilitas, and dimensional accuracy.

Proper installation and maintenance of the 60R2 grooved rail are essential for ensuring safe and efficient railway operations. The rail must be securely fastened to the track bed and regularly inspected for any signs of wear or damage. Any issues detected must be promptly addressed through repairs or replacements to maintain the integrity and functionality of the rail system.

The 60R2 grooved rail profile is compatible with various types of railway vehicles, making it a versatile option for urban transit systems. Its unique design provides a smooth and stable ride, reducing noise and vibration while enhancing passenger comfort. Selain itu, the grooved rail design offers superior traction, even in wet or slippery conditions, improving overall safety and performance.

Singkatnya, the 60R2 grooved rail is a vital component in railway systems, providing a stable and secure track for urban transit vehicles. Its robust construction and precise design make it an essential part of railway infrastructure, contributing to the safe and efficient movement of people and goods in urban areas. Proper installation and maintenance are crucial for ensuring the long-term reliability and performance of the rail system.

material of EN14811 standard 60R2 Grooved rail

60Rp 2.000(Ri 60N) Rel beralur

60Rp 2.000(Ri 60N) Rel beralurPicture of EN14811 standard 60R2 Grooved rail

Deskripsi Spesifikasi
Baut Ikan 22x135, 24x135, 24x145
Baut Ikan Berkekuatan Tinggi 22×135, 24×135, 24×145
Baut Terisolasi 22×160, 24×160, 24×170
Baut tipe T M24x110
Mesin Cuci Datar 6×25×50
Mesin Cuci Musim Semi 20×8, 24×8, 26×8
Mesin Cuci Musim Semi Ganda 26×8
Lonjakan Sekrup M22x185, M24x195
Lonjakan sekrup kepala persegi 22x145, 22x155, 22x165
Lonjakan sekrup segi enam 22x145, 22x155, 22x165, 22x185, 22x195
Lonjakan Anjing 16×165
Celemek Pengukur 10#, 13#, 14#, 20#
Celemek pengukur antiseptik 10#
Pelat dasar baja / pelat dasar
Jangkar rel
Pelat dasi karet Rp 1.500.0, Rp 1.500.0, Rp 1.000.0
Klip rel elastis Sebuah,Tipe B
SKL Tipe serius
Tipe G
Tipe W
Klip rel elastis antiseptik Tipe B
Blok celemek nilon Tipe V, 0-4#, 2-6#
Batang Pengukur Rel Terisolasi ¢32, ¢36
Batang Pengukur Rel ¢32, ¢36
Piring ikan 43Kg, 50Kg, 60Kg, 75Kg
BS60, BS75R, BS80A, BS90A
Piring ikan terisolasi (43, 50, 60, 75)
UIC60, UIC54

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