Kereta api kren DIN536 A75

$1,000.00 $980.00

Standard: DIN
Gred: 900A
Rail Heigth: 85Mm
Lebar bawah: 200Mm
Ketebalan Web: 45Mm
Lebar Kepala: 75Mm
Panjang: 12m
Nombor Model: A75
Permohonan: Rel lari kren
Berat badan: 56.2 kg/m
Nama: DIN536 Rel kren
Nama produk: Rel kren A75
Penggunaan: Untuk larian kren
Sijil: Sijil kualiti 3.1
Pasaran: Negara-negara Inggeris
MOQ: 20 Tan/Ton
Waranti: 12 Bulan
Kelebihan: Bahagian bawah lebar
KOD HS: 73021000
  • Keterangan
  • Rel bawah rata yang boleh dieksport
  • Siasatan

DIN536 A75 crane rail is used to build crane running rail, most time we have stock, kekerasan ialah R260HB, panjang 12m.

We also can supply all of the fasteners of below:

Huraian Kod HS
73021000 Rel kren A75, Bahan 900 A, Panjang 12 Meter, Berat unit 56.2 kg/m
85479090 Pelapik getah, 7*200*12000 Mm
86080090 Pengapit rel kimpalan berganda, Jarak 0.5/0.6 m

Drawing of DIN536 A75 crane rail

Drawing of DIN536 A75 crane rail

Material of DIN536 A75 crane rail

DIN536 A75 crane rail is a specific type of rail profile designed for heavy-duty crane and industrial applications. It is part of the DIN 536 Standard, which is a German standard that specifies the dimensions, Sifat bahan, and tolerances for crane rails.

The A75 rail is commonly used in industrial environments where cranes and other heavy equipment are utilized to transport and handle significant loads.

DIN536 A75 crane rail features a robust and durable design to provide stability and support for crane operations. It is manufactured from high-quality steel and undergoes stringent production processes to meet the specified requirements of the DIN 536 Standard. The rail is engineered to withstand the substantial loads and dynamic forces associated with crane operations, making it suitable for demanding industrial settings.

The profile of the A75 crane rail includes a flat top surface with inclined sides and a broad base. This design allows for smooth movement of cranes while distributing the weight effectively and minimizing wear and fatigue. Proper installation and maintenance of the crane rail are essential to ensure safe and efficient operations. Secure fastening to the track bed using appropriate rail clips, Pad, and fasteners is necessary to maintain proper alignment and stability.

The A75 crane rail offers excellent dimensional accuracy, Lurus, dan keseragaman, contributing to the smooth movement of cranes along the rail, which helps reduce noise and vibration. Its sturdy construction and precise design provide long-lasting durability and resistance to wear, memastikan prestasi yang boleh dipercayai walaupun dalam keadaan operasi yang menuntut.

Secara ringkas, DIN536 A75 crane rail is a robust and reliable rail profile designed specifically for heavy-duty crane and industrial applications. By adhering to the DIN 536 Standard, this rail ensures safe and efficient transportation of heavy loads in various industrial settings. It serves as a critical component in crane rail systems that require stability, Kekuatan, and durability to meet the challenges of heavy industrial operations.

Seksyen profil rel kren A75

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