DIN536 A150 Rel kren

$1,000.00 $980.00

Standard: DIN
Gred: 900A
Rail Heigth: 150Mm
Lebar bawah: 220Mm
Ketebalan Web: 80Mm
Lebar Kepala: 150Mm
Panjang: 12m
Nombor Model: A150
Berat badan: 150.3 kg/m
Nama produk: Rel kren A150
Penggunaan: Untuk larian kren
Bahan: 900A
Pandangan: DIN536 Rel kren
Sijil: Sijil kualiti 3.1/3.2
Pasaran: Negara-negara komanwel British
Waranti: 12 Bulan
KOD HS: 73021000
Pakej: Dalam pakej ke 40 bekas kaki
  • Keterangan
  • Rel bawah rata yang boleh dieksport
  • Siasatan

DIN536 A150 Crane rail is used for crane trolley, troli angkat dan kren lari pelabuhan, Kami juga boleh membekalkan keseluruhan pengikat yang boleh digunakan, seperti penjepit rel kimpalan dan pad getah.

Huraian Kod HS
73021000 Rel kren A150, Bahan 900 A, Panjang 12 Meter, Berat unit 150.3 kg/m
85479090 Pelapik getah, 7*220*12000 Mm
86080090 Pengapit rel kimpalan berganda, Jarak 0.5/0.6 m

Drawing of DIN536 A150 Crane railDIN536 A150 Rel kren
Rubber pad for DIN536 A150 Crane rail Weldable rail clamp for DIN536 A150 Crane rail

DIN536 A150 crane rail is a type of steel rail that is used in the construction of overhead cranes and other heavy-duty handling equipment. The rail is designed to provide a smooth and stable support surface for the wheels of the crane, allowing it to move along the length of the track while carrying heavy loads.

Here are some key features and characteristics of DIN536 A150 crane rail:

1. Profil: The DIN536 A150 crane rail has a specific profile that conforms to the German Institute for Standardization (DIN) Spesifikasi. Ini termasuk dimensi kepala kereta api, Web, Asas, dan geometri keratan rentas keseluruhan. The precise profile is designed to ensure compatibility with other track components and to meet the load-bearing requirements of heavy-duty crane operations.

2. Berat badan: The “A150” designation indicates that the rail weighs approximately 150 kilogram per meter (101 paun setiap halaman). This weight is suitable for applications where cranes carry substantial loads or operate at high speeds, memerlukan rel dengan kekuatan dan ketahanan yang lebih besar.

3. Bahan: DIN536 A150 crane rails are typically made from high-strength steel with specific chemical compositions and mechanical properties. Bahan-bahan ini dipilih untuk memberikan ketahanan yang sangat baik terhadap haus, Keletihan, dan lain-lain bentuk kemerosotan, memastikan hayat perkhidmatan yang panjang di bawah keadaan operasi yang menuntut.

4. Pemasangan: The installation of DIN536 A150 crane rails involves securing them to the support structure using appropriate fastening systems, such as bolts or clips. Proper installation techniques are crucial to maintaining the integrity and stability of the rail track.

5. Aplikasi: DIN536 A150 crane rail is commonly used in overhead crane systems, kren gantri, and other heavy-duty handling equipment. Its robust design and weight make it suitable for supporting heavy loads and high-speed crane operations, contributing to safe and efficient material handling.

6. Penyelenggaraan: Regular inspection and maintenance of DIN536 A150 crane rails are essential to ensure safe and reliable crane operations. Ini termasuk pemantauan untuk dipakai, Kecacatan, dan isu-isu lain, serta melakukan aktiviti penyelenggaraan pencegahan untuk memanjangkan hayat perkhidmatan rel.

Keseluruhan, DIN536 A150 crane rail plays a critical role in supporting heavy-duty material handling operations. Reka bentuk dan sifat bahannya disesuaikan untuk memenuhi permintaan ketat aplikasi ini, Menyediakan asas untuk selamat, Cekap, and reliable material handling. As with any industrial equipment, Pematuhan kepada piawaian industri dan amalan terbaik untuk pemasangan, Penyelenggaraan, and inspection is essential to maximize the performance and longevity of DIN536 A150 crane rail in material handling systems.

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