Przedstawiamy szynę stalową AREMA 115RE na rynku kolumbijskim


Kolumbijski przemysł kolejowy odnotował znaczny wzrost w ostatnich latach, z naciskiem rządu na poprawę infrastruktury transportowej. Ponieważ zapotrzebowanie na wydajne i niezawodne sieci kolejowe stale rośnie, Kluczowe staje się wprowadzenie wysokiej jakości szyn stalowych. W tym artykule, we will explore the benefits and features of AREMA 115RE steel rail, and how its implementation can revolutionize the Colombian market.

  1. Understanding AREMA 115RE Steel Rail:

AREMA 115RE steel rail is a benchmark in the rail industry, known for its exceptional strength and durability. It is manufactured according to the standards set by the American Railway Engineering and Maintenance-of-Way Association (AREMA), ensuring its compatibility with existing railway tracks and equipment. With a rail weight of 115 funtów na jard, it offers superior load-bearing capacity and stability, making it an ideal choice for high-traffic rail lines.

  1. Advantages of AREMA 115RE Steel Rail:

2.1 Zwiększone bezpieczeństwo: Safety is paramount in any transportation system. AREMA 115RE steel rail’s robust construction minimizes the risk of derailments and accidents, ensuring the well-being of passengers and cargo. Its high strength and resistance to wear and tear make it an excellent choice for heavy traffic routes.

2.2 Improved Efficiency: The smooth surface of AREMA 115RE steel rail reduces friction and enhances the overall efficiency of the railway system. With reduced energy consumption, this steel rail option offers cost-saving benefits while maintaining optimal performance.

2.3 Longevity and Low Maintenance: AREMA 115RE steel rail is designed to withstand the harshest environmental conditions, ensuring its longevity and minimal maintenance requirements. This durability translates into long-term cost savings for railway operators in Colombia.

  1. AREMA 115RE Steel Rail in the Colombian Market:

3.1 Modernizing Railway Infrastructure: The Colombian government’s commitment to modernizing the country’s transportation infrastructure presents an excellent opportunity for the implementation of AREMA 115RE steel rail. By replacing outdated rail systems with this high-quality steel rail, the Colombian market can benefit from improved efficiency, bezpieczeństwo, and reduced maintenance costs.

3.2 Meeting Growing Demand: The Colombian railway industry is experiencing a surge in demand due to economic growth and increased trade activities. AREMA 115RE steel rail’s ability to handle heavy loads and high traffic makes it well-suited to meet these demands, ensuring smooth and reliable transportation of goods and passengers.

3.3 Enhancing Connectivity: The implementation of AREMA 115RE steel rail will contribute to the development of an interconnected rail network in Colombia. This connectivity will not only promote economic growth but also enhance accessibility and mobility for citizens across the country.


As the Colombian railway industry continues to expand, the need for reliable and efficient rail infrastructure becomes paramount. AREMA 115RE steel rail offers a comprehensive solution to meet these demands, providing enhanced safety, improved efficiency, and long-term cost savings. Its implementation in the Colombian market will not only modernize the railway system but also contribute to the overall development and connectivity of the country. By embracing this high-quality steel rail, Colombia can establish itself as a leader in the South American railway industry.

Możemy dostarczyć międzynarodowe standardowe płaskie szyny denne, jak poniżej:




Kolej dla kolei 43 kg/m szyna, 50 kg/m szyna,

60 kg/m szyna, 75kg/m szyna, 60Szyna N, 75Szyna N

TB/T2344-2012, TB/T3276-2011
Szyna P50/Szyna R50, Szyna P65/Szyna R65, RP60E1 GOST-R51685, GOST R51054-2014
Szyna S49, Szyna UIC54, Szyna UIC60 UIC860
Szyna JIS50N, Szyna JIS60 JIS E1101
Szyna AS50, Szyna AS60, Szyna AS68 AS1085, BHP RT STD
90Szyna RA, 100Szyna RE, 115Szyna RE, 132Szyna RE, 136Szyna RE AREMA
Szyna TR45, Szyna TR50, Szyna TR57, Szyna TR68 ASTM A759
Szyna BS75A, Szyna BS90A, Szyna BS100A BS11 STANDARD
ISCOR 48 szyna, ISCOR 57 szyna UIC860 produkuje standard
45E1, 49Szyna E1, 50Szyna E2, 54Szyna E1,

60Szyna E1, 60Szyna E2

EN 13674-1, EN13674-4
Szyna przełącznika 50Szyna AT1, 60Szyna AT1,

60Szyna AT2, 60Szyna TY1

Szyna dźwigowa Autostrada A45, Autostrada A55, Autostrada A65, Autostrada A75, Autostrada A100, Autostrada A120, Autostrada A150 DIN536
Szyna QU70/Szyna KP70, Szyna QU80/Szyna KP80, Szyna QU100/Szyna KP100,

Szyna QU120/Szyna KP100, Szyna CR175

ASTM A759-2000
Szyna rowkowana 59Szyna R2, 60Szyna R2 EN 14811:2006
Narzędzia do budowy kolejnictwa Ruchoma spawarka do szyny, Zgrzewarka doczołowa szynowa

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