Szyna płaskodenna AREMA standard 132RE

$850.00 $800.00

Ocena: ß, GG
Wysokość szyny: 181Mm
Szerokość dna: 152.4Mm
Grubość wstęgi: 16.7Mm
Szerokość głowicy: 76.2Mm
Długość: 12-30m
Numer modelu: 132 PONOWNIE
Typ: Ciężka kolej
Aplikacja: Kolej kolejowa
Ciężar: 65.5 kg/m
Nazwa: 132 Re AMERA standardowa szyna stalowa
Certyfikat: 3.1 MTC/3.2 przez Lloyd's regiester inspection
Rynek: Ameryka Południowa
Zwyczaj: Ciężka linia kolejowa
  • Opis
  • Eksportowana międzynarodowa standardowa szyna płaskodenna
  • Zapytanie

Szyna płaskodenna AREMA standard 132RE jest używana na linii kolejowej Ameryki Południowej, możemy go wyprodukować na zamówienie, MOQ powinno wynosić 500 Ton, długość może wynosić 12-30 Metrów, hardness SS or HH.

Szyna płaskodenna AREMA standard 132RE

Szyna płaskodenna AREMA standard 132RE

The AREMA standard 132RE flat bottom rail is a commonly used type of railway track that is widely used in North America. It is designed to provide a smooth and stable surface for trains to travel on, while also being durable and long-lasting.

Termin “132PONOWNIE” refers to the specific rail profile, with the RE indicating that it is a flat bottom rail. The 132RE rail has a weight of 132 funtów na jard, which makes it suitable for use in heavy-duty and high-traffic railway applications.

The flat bottom design of the 132RE rail allows for easy installation and maintenance, as it can be secured directly onto railroad ties without the need for special fittings or fasteners. This makes it a cost-effective and efficient option for railway construction and maintenance.

The 132RE rail is typically made of high-quality steel and is designed to withstand the forces and loads exerted by passing trains. It is subjected to rigorous quality control measures during manufacturing to ensure it meets the required specifications and tolerances.

Proper installation and maintenance of the 132RE rail are crucial for the safe and efficient functioning of the railway track. Przeprowadzane są regularne kontrole w celu sprawdzenia, czy nie ma oznak zużycia, szkoda, or track misalignment. Any issues detected are promptly addressed through repairs or replacements to maintain the integrity and functionality of the rail.

The 132RE rail is widely used in various railway applications, w tym tory linii głównej, Linie rozgałęzione, Metrów, and industrial sidings. Its robust construction and reliable performance make it suitable for heavy-duty and high-traffic areas where trains frequently pass through.

Podsumowanie, the AREMA standard 132RE flat bottom rail is a commonly used type of railway track that provides a stable and durable surface for trains to travel on. Its flat bottom design allows for easy installation and maintenance, making it a cost-effective and efficient option for railway construction and maintenance. Regularna konserwacja i przeglądy mają zasadnicze znaczenie dla utrzymania jego wydajności i zapewnienia bezpieczeństwa systemu kolejowego.

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