60Rail d’aiguillage à grande vitesse AT2

$1,200.00 $800.00

Standard: VACARME, GO
Grade: U75V
Heigth ferroviaire: 142mm
Largeur inférieure: 150mm
Épaisseur de la bande: 32.5mm
Largeur de la tête: 72mm
Longueur: 12m/1,25 m/25 m
Application: Interrupteur d’aiguillage, Rail incurvé
Poids: 70.01 kg/m
Secondaire ou non: Non secondaire
Diamètre du trou de boulon: Non
Nom: 60AT2 Train à grande vitesse
Certificat: APRÈS JÉSUS-CHRIST 3.1/3.2
Service: Personnalisable
Marché: Outre-mer
Garantie: 5 années plus
  • Description
  • Rail à fond plat standard international exportable
  • Enquête

60AT2 High Speed Turnout Rail is used to support the centrifugal force of curve railroad, afin d’éviter la pression haute pour la faire casser.

60AT2 High Speed Turnout Rail is a type of rail specifically designed for use in high-speed railway turnouts or switches. Le “60” dans la désignation fait référence au poids par mètre du rail, qui est 60 Kilogrammes, pendant que “AT2” indicates that it is a high-speed turnout rail with specific requirements for use in high-speed rail applications.

High-speed turnout rails are subjected to higher stresses and wear than conventional turnout rails due to the increased speeds and frequencies of trains passing through them. En conséquence, they are designed with unique cross-sectional profiles and made from high-quality steel alloys that provide enhanced strength, durabilité, and resistance to deformation and wear.

The 60AT2 High Speed Turnout Rail is typically manufactured to meet the specifications set by railway standards organizations such as UIC (Union internationale des chemins de fer) ou AREMA (American Railway Engineering and Maintenance-of-Way Association). Ces normes spécifient les dimensions, Tolérances, et les propriétés mécaniques du rail, y compris la limite d’élasticité, Résistance à la traction ultime, élongation, et dureté.

En plus de son poids au mètre et de ses propriétés mécaniques, the 60AT2 High Speed Turnout Rail may also be specified based on other characteristics such as its length, finition de surface, et les exigences en matière de soudage. Ces spécifications peuvent varier en fonction des exigences spécifiques de l’exploitant ferroviaire et de l’application prévue.

Total, the 60AT2 High Speed Turnout Rail is an essential component of high-speed railway turnout systems, Fournir la force, durabilité, and reliability needed to support the safe and efficient operation of high-speed trains. Its use is critical in maintaining the integrity of the rail infrastructure and enabling the movement of passengers and goods at high speeds through complex track systems.

Drawing of 60AT2 High Speed Turnout Rail

Drawing of 60AT2 High Speed Turnout Rail

Le matériel comme ci-dessous:

Material of 60AT2 High Speed Turnout Rail

Material of 60AT2 High Speed Turnout Rail

60AT2 high-speed switch rail refers to a type of rail specifically designed for high-speed railway switches or turnouts. “60” represents the weight of each meter of rail, qui est 60 Kilogrammes. This is a heavier track suitable for bearing the load of high-speed trains.
High speed turnouts are a crucial part of the railway system, allowing trains to transfer from one track to another while maintaining high speeds. The 60AT2 high-speed turnout rail has a special design to ensure smoothness and safety when trains pass through the turnout, especially in high-speed environments.
The specific technical specifications, Composition du matériau, taille, and tolerances will be specified in the corresponding railway standards or manufacturer’s technical documents. The standards and specifications of railway tracks and turnouts are usually determined by the corresponding railway equipment manufacturers.

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