Application généralisée de la 22 kg/m (S22) rail léger en acier

22 Le rail léger en acier kg / m est une sorte de voie ferrée en acier et pesant environ 22 kilogrammes par mètre. Les rails légers en acier sont couramment utilisés dans diverses applications ferroviaires, tels que les voies industrielles légères, Chemins de fer temporaires ou portatifs, et les systèmes de transport à petite échelle. Ils sont conçus pour être relativement légers et polyvalents, Convient pour des charges plus légères et des vitesses plus basses par rapport aux voies ferrées plus lourdes.

Les spécifications détaillées d’un 22 Rail léger en acier en kg/m comme ci-dessous:

1. Poids: Environ 22 kilogrammes par mètre.
2. Matériel: Steel Q235 and 55Q.
3. Longueur: 6m, 8m et 10m.
4. Largeur de la tête: 50.8 mm.
5. Hauteur: 93.66 mm
6. Base Width: 93.66 mm
7. Flange Thickness: Usually around 10 mm to 15 mm
8. Épaisseur de la bande: 10.72 mm
9. Standard: Manufactured according to relevant industry standards, such as EN, ASTM, or GB/T.

22 kg/m light steel rail is used in various applications, includes:

1. Light industrial tracks: These rails can be utilized in industrial areas such as factories, Entrepôts, and logistics centers to facilitate the transportation of goods within the premises.

2. Temporary or portable railways: The lightweight nature of these rails makes them suitable for temporary or portable railway systems. They can be employed for construction projects, Opérations minières, or events where a temporary rail infrastructure is required.

3. Small-scale transportation systems: Le 22 kg/m light steel rail can be utilized in small-scale transportation systems, such as amusement park trains, tourist trains, or heritage railways where lower loads and speeds are involved.

4. Agricultural applications: In some agricultural settings, light steel rails are used for applications like moving equipment, transporting crops, or facilitating automated systems within farming operations.

5. Recreational tracks: These rails can be used for recreational purposes, including miniature railways, hobbyist train setups, or private tracks for model trains.

22 kg/m light steel rail is commonly used in several regions around the world. Some countries that are known to utilize light steel rails, including the 22 kg/m variant, are:

1. Chine: China has a vast railway network and is one of the major users of light steel rails in various applications.

2. Europe: Several European countries have adopted light steel rails for their urban transit systems, light rail networks, et des pistes industrielles.

3. United States: In the U.S., light steel rails are often used in amusement parks, heritage railways, et applications industrielles.

4. Australie: Light steel rails are employed in small-scale transportation systems, Opérations minières, and temporary railways in Australia.

5. Southeast Asia: Countries like Thailand, Malaisie, and Indonesia have incorporated light steel rails in their urban transit systems and light rail projects.

6. Moyen-Orient: Light steel rails are used in some countries in the Middle East, particularly for industrial tracks and smaller-scale railway systems.

Nous pouvons fournir les rails de fond plats standard internationaux comme ci-dessous:




Rail pour chemin de fer 43 rail kg/m, 50 rail kg/m,

60 rail kg/m, 75rail kg/m, 60N rail, 75N rail

TB/T2344-2012, TB/T3276-2011
Rail P50/Rail R50, Rail P65/Rail R65, RP60E1 GOST-R51685, GOST R51054-2014
Rail S49, Rail UIC54, Rail UIC60 UIC860
Rail JIS50N, Rail JIS60 JIS E1101
Rail AS50, Rail AS60, Rail AS68 AS1085, BHP RT STD
90Rail RA, 100Rail RE, 115Rail RE, 132Rail RE, 136Rail RE AREMA
Rail TR45, Rail TR50, Rail TR57, Rail TR68 ASTM A759
Rail BS75A, Rail BS90A, Rail BS100A NORME BS11
L’ISCOR 48 rail, L’ISCOR 57 rail UIC860 produit la norme
45E1, 49Rail E1, 50Rail E2, 54Rail E1,

60Rail E1, 60Rail E2

EN 13674-1, EN13674-4
Rail d’aiguillage 50Rail AT1, 60Rail AT1,

60Rail AT2, 60Rail TY1

Rail de grue L’A45, L’A55, L’A65, L’A75, A100, A120, L’A150 DIN536
Rail QU70/Rail KP70, Rail QU80/Rail KP80, Rail QU100/Rail KP100,

Rail QU120/Rail KP100, Rail CR175

ASTM A759-2000
Rail rainuré 59Rail R2, 60Rail R2 EN 14811:2006

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