Introduction aux rails en acier ferroviaire AREMA

AREMA (American Railway Engineering and Maintenance-of-Way Association) a plusieurs normes ferroviaires, Ces normes couvrent divers aspects des rails ferroviaires, telles que les dimensions, Propriétés des matériaux, Procédures d’essai, et exigences d’installation.

AREMA comprend plusieurs types de rails en acier, which are classified based on their weight per yard (or meter) and the type of steel used. The most common types of steel rails specified by AREMA are:

115 Rail RE: This is a standard rail with a weight of 115 livres par verge (57.1 kg/m). It is made of carbon steel and is commonly used in mainline tracks.

136 Rail RE: This is a heavier rail with a weight of 136 livres par verge (67.4 kg/m). It is also made of carbon steel and is used in high-traffic areas, such as curves and turnouts.

Other types of steel rails specified by AREMA include 90RA, 100 RE, 132 RE, et 175 LB crane rail, entre autres. These rails have different weights and are made of different grades of steel to meet specific requirements of various railway applications.

The rail of AREMA is used in railway transportation infrastructure, including rail tracks, switches, crossings, and other components. It is commonly used in North America for both freight and passenger rail systems.

The rail of AREMA is primarily used in South America and North America, particulièrement aux États-Unis et au Canada. Toutefois, it may also be used in other parts of the world where American standards are adopted for railway infrastructure.

AREMA has established several standards for railway fasteners used in railway infrastructure. Some of the common railway fasteners specified by AREMA include:

Rail clips

Rail anchors

Elastic rail clips

Tension clamps

Rail bolts

Fish plates or splice bars

Tie plates

Rail pads

Pointes à vis

Dog spikes

These fasteners are designed to securely attach rails to sleepers or ties, Assurer la stabilité, sécurité, and longevity of the railway systems.

The installation of rails in accordance with AREMA standards requires a specific process. Here are the general steps involved in installing rails according to AREMA guidelines:

Préparer le site: The site must be cleared of any debris or obstructions that might interfere with the installation process.

Position the sleepers: The sleepers or ties must be properly aligned and spaced according to the design specifications.

Position the rails: The rails must be laid out on top of the sleepers, ensuring that they are properly aligned and spaced according to the design specifications.

Fix the rail fasteners: Once the rails are in position, the appropriate AREMA-approved rail fasteners must be used to secure the rails to the sleepers.

Tension the rails: The rails must be properly tensioned to ensure that they remain securely attached to the sleepers.

Torque the fasteners: The fasteners must be torqued to the appropriate specifications to ensure that they remain tight and secure.

Test the rails: Finalement, the rails must be tested to ensure that they meet the specified tolerances for alignment, gauge, and curvature.

Bienvenue à nous demander les rails de fond plats standard internationaux comme ci-dessous:




Rail pour chemin de fer 43 rail kg/m, 50 rail kg/m,

60 rail kg/m, 75rail kg/m, 60N rail, 75N rail

TB/T2344-2012, TB/T3276-2011
Rail P50/Rail R50, Rail P65/Rail R65, RP60E1 GOST-R51685, GOST R51054-2014
Rail S49, Rail UIC54, Rail UIC60 UIC860
Rail JIS50N, Rail JIS60 JIS E1101
Rail AS50, Rail AS60, Rail AS68 AS1085, BHP RT STD
90Rail RA, 100Rail RE, 115Rail RE, 132Rail RE, 136Rail RE AREMA
Rail TR45, Rail TR50, Rail TR57, Rail TR68 ASTM A759
Rail BS75A, Rail BS90A, Rail BS100A NORME BS11
45E1, 49Rail E1, 50Rail E2, 54Rail E1,

60Rail E1, 60Rail E2

EN 13674-1, EN13674-4
Rail d’aiguillage 50Rail AT1, 60Rail AT1,

60Rail AT2, 60Rail TY1

Rail de grue L’A45, L’A55, L’A65, L’A75, A100, A120, L’A150 DIN536
Rail QU70/Rail KP70, Rail QU80/Rail KP80, Rail QU100/Rail KP100,

Rail QU120/Rail KP100, Rail CR175

ASTM A759-2000
Rail rainuré 59Rail R2, 60Rail R2 EN 14811:2006

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